The Onyx Boox Annotation & Highlight Extractor plugin is a game-changer for book lovers who want to integrate their notes and highlights into their Second Brain. This plugin allows you to export your annotations from Onyx Boox eink devices, including title metadata, highlighted text, and annotations, and convert them into classic Zettelkasten notes in Obsidian. The plugin generates three types of notes: Reference Notes for book metadata, Literature Notes for highlighted text with metainfo, and Permanent Notes for annotated highlights linked to the original Reference Note and Literature Note. This means you can write your thoughts directly into the book you're reading and have them seamlessly integrated into your knowledge base.
This is a plugin for synchornizing Obsidian notes to other note-based softwares like Anki, following more strictly the principles of Zettelkasten and treating each Obsidian file as a note.
The Luhman plugin is designed specifically for users of Obsidian who maintain a zettelkasten, a note-taking system popularized by German philosopher Niklas Luhmann. This plugin provides four essential commands to streamline your workflow: create child notes, sibling notes, open zettels, and insert Zettel links. With these commands, you can effortlessly organize your notes using Luhmann-style IDs as filenames. Whether you're writing a new idea or connecting existing thoughts, the Luhman plugin simplifies the process of creating relationships between your notes.