๐Ÿ”— Excalidraw
Edit and view Excalidraw drawings.
by Zsolt Viczian
Latest Version
3 days ago


  • Text became disconnected from sticky notes (rectangle/ellipse/diamond + text) if the sticky note contained a link (e.g., URL or wiki link), and in some cases, triggered a save error warning. #2054
  • Long-clicking to open an Excalidraw drawing from a markdown note did not work when the note was in an Obsidian pop-out window.
  • Active tool was deactivated after autosave, requiring the user to reselect the tool.

Minor changes to default settings

  • I adjusted some of the default settings. This change only affects new installs of Excalidraw; existing installs and settings remain unchanged:
    • Reuse Adjacent Pane is now the default for opening new drawings. Excalidraw will try to open the drawing in the most recently used adjacent pane, if available.
    • Focus on Existing Tab is the default for reopening an already open drawing. Excalidraw will switch to the existing tab where the drawing is open, instead of creating a new one.
    • Autosave Interval is now set to a default value of 1 minute on Desktop and 30 seconds on mobile platforms.