🔗 Header Adjuster
Easily adjust header levels in Markdown documents by increasing or decreasing their levels. Supports full document adjustments or specified line ranges, with default settings and commands for convenience.
by Valentin Pelletier
Latest Version
4 months ago


The Header Adjuster Plugin for Obsidian allows users to effortlessly adjust the levels of headers in their Markdown documents. Whether you need to increase or decrease header levels, this plugin provides a straightforward interface to make these adjustments seamlessly.


•   Increase Header Levels: Easily increase the levels of headers by a specified number.
•   Decrease Header Levels: Easily decrease the levels of headers by a specified number.
•   Range Adjustment: Specify start and end lines to adjust headers within a specific section of your document.
•   Default Settings: Utilize default increase/decrease levels set in the plugin settings for quick adjustments.
•   Commands: Access commands from the command palette to increase or decrease header levels with or without prompts.
•   Ribbon Icon: Convenient ribbon icon with context menu for quick header level adjustments.


•   Increase Header Level: Opens a modal to specify the number of levels to increase.
•   Decrease Header Level: Opens a modal to specify the number of levels to decrease.
•   Increase Header Level (Default): Increases header levels using the default setting without prompting.
•   Decrease Header Level (Default): Decreases header levels using the default setting without prompting.

Usage Examples

1.  Full Document Adjustment: Increase all headers in a document by 2 levels using the modal prompt.
2.  Range Adjustment: Decrease headers between line 5 and line 20 by 1 level using the modal prompt.
3.  Default Settings: Quickly increase or decrease header levels using the default settings via command palette.