๐Ÿ”— Callout Manager
Easily create and customize callouts.
by eth-p
Latest Version
4 months ago

It's been a while, and apologies for the long delay. A new version is finally available!

New Features

In-App Changelogs
Learn about plugin changes and new features straight from the horse's mouth.

Insert Callouts (@decheine)
Goodbye to the days of needing to type callouts by hand, and hello to having more ways to suit your workflow. You now have the option to insert callouts directly from the "Manage Callouts" pane!

Color Dropdown (@decheine)
Pick from a nifty dropdown instead of memorizing color values.

Rename Callouts
You can now rename your custom callouts.


More Robust Callout Detection
The code monkey (developer) learned a couple new tricks, and now Callout Manager can detect Obsidian callouts on all platforms and versions without resorting to fallback lists.

Integration with Completr
You can now use Completr to autocomplete callouts again!